Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Delirium

Christmas is one of my most favorite times of year. I love the whole idea of Christmas, but the clutter of it I could do without. It is at times smothering.

Our Christmas was wonderful! Take away the fact that my husband had the worst case of the stomach flu I have seen in a while and that I had a touch of it on Christmas Day, it was a great day. Hazel and Emilly were a little overwhelmed with the quantity of presents that they received, but they are adjusting with great finesse.

My Mom and step dad came to our house for the holidays. What a blessing that was! I cannot imagine taking on Christmas morning with both girls and a husband who was too sick to care. The girls really enjoyed all the extra attention. It also fed my love for being surrounded by family on holidays. Yes, I do love the whole idea of Norman Rockwell.

Christmas for me was so much deeper than the gifts and ideas. This Christmas was a great reminder of all that is important to me. Between having two special little girls living with us this year and participating in the pageant, my focus has been much more Saviour oriented.

Too know that the precious little baby born in a stable in Bethlehem as a sacrifice for my sins, is incomprehensible on a certain level. Yes, I believe it with all of my heart, but to truly absorb the meaning of that takes a little longer. Love came down at Christmas, but Love was planned before the creation of this world. Knowing that man would fall, God knew that a Sacrifice would be required. I don't think there was a question or doubt that crossed His mind.

At times I wonder if I could have offered any of my children for the life of another who had not even been created. I really don't think I could. Why not just forget the idea of creating a world where mankind would ultimately turn their back on their God? And then to offer a Redeemer who would be despised, rejected, brutally beaten, and crucified for them. What infinite love God has for each of us. Amazing love!

My focus this season has been deepened and strengthened. It is my joy to love, worship and serve a God who loves me boundlessly. May Christmas live in our hearts each day of the years to come.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Christmas day has finally arrived. I am anxiously awaiting the awakening of my girls. When they went to bed last night, they were unaware that today was "the day".

This is our first Christmas together, and I am not sure what to expect from them. Have they ever really had a Christmas? I have so many ideas of what their response may be...well, I hear them now. So Merry Christmas! See you soon!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Better Late

Thought I should take a moment and give an update on how court went last week. The judge was the same one who ordered the home study be done on the maternal grandfather.

Basically things have all been continued until March 15. DSS was told that the paperwork must be sent out ASAP. (it was sent out the following day)

Where does this leave us? Well, at this moment, I am living like there is no chance of these children leaving us. I believe God is in control, and I am trusting Him.

There have been moments of panic lately. The day I found out that Florida had received the paperwork was on of those days. Questions fly through my mind at warp speeds. What if Florida does not consider the recommendations of two therapist and the GAL? What if the truth is not revealed in their "investigation" of this man? And on and on the list could go.

But what it all comes down to is that no matter what Florida finds or does not find. It does not change the fact that He is God. He has a plan for Hazel and Emilly. He is the deciding factor.

So, this brings me back to what I learned in Believing God by Beth Moore.

1. God is who He says He is.
2. God can do what He says He will do.
3. I am who God says I am
4. I can do all things through Christ
5. God's word is alive and active in me.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Gentle Reminder

This morning at church, Stephen Johnson spoke. He is to be our new associate pastor. He is a young, gifted, Bible-believing man. This was the second time I have heard him speak, and both times I have felt that his message was meant for me. The first time he spoke, he taught from the book of John. John is my favorite.

Today Steve spoke about Mary being told that she would be with child before her marriage to Joseph. In true humbleness Mary said, "I am the Lord's servant, May it be to me as you have said." She showed no concern for her own well being or desire. She allowed God's will to come over her as if it were a covering for all that might go wrong when others heard the news that she was with child. In those days, women who were found to be with child could face being stoned to death or sent away from their home. Mary did not question God's will or her safety, but simply submitted herself to God's will knowing that God would provide a way.

This spoke volumes to my heart. Tomorrow we are facing another court date. For anyone who has been following our story, you know that we are waiting to see if Hazel and Emilly will be sent to live with their maternal grandfather. Our case will be back in front of the same judge who opened the door to possibly allow the girls to be taken. DSS is hoping for a continuance tomorrow, but I can say that I am waiting to see what God is going to do. Whether our deliverance comes through a judge in whom I have no faith or whether it comes later in a judge of good repute. God can work through anyone. He does not need ideal circumstances to work through. So, I am patiently waiting to see how and when He will be revealed.
Holy God, today I want to praise you for what you are and will do in our lives. Reveal your plan for our lives as you see fit. I trust that You love us and that You will keep us safe. I give you my all. May it be to us as You see fit. I love you, Father!

Friday, December 08, 2006

What's On Your Tummy? (Not Male Reading Material)

A two year old's fascination with chest is beyond my realm of understanding. Why are they always needing to touch them? Talk about them? And poke or squeeze them? I just don't understand!

But even I must admit when my two year old make the funniest of comments about them. So, here it is in the words of Emilly, my precocious little two year old.

I am standing in front of my closet trying to find a cooler shirt to wear. When up walks Emilly who immediately pointed to my chest...
"What's that?" Emilly asked
"Mine" I stated
"That your chest, Mommy?"
"What's that?"as she pointed again.
I turned and pointed at her chest and said "What's that?" She grabbed her chest and looked down. Then as sweetly as can be replied, "My chest laying on my tummy like yours mommy?"

Well, I decided to leave it at that. What more could I have said?